In General...

Links to general information about the Bard, discussions of Shakespeare, the period, and Love's Labours Lost

Online Discussions of Love's Labours Lost or Online Discussions of Shakespeare
Different addresses, same organization.  These pages provide chat rooms about Love's Labours Lost and Shakespeare, discussion boards for the same, as well as general Shakespearean comedy.  Good for hearing many different people's opinions on different topics.

Teaching Information
Provides a wealth of information for the teacher and student alike...includes study questions,  links to filmed versions of plays, teaching material, and more.  More in general information about Shakespeare, but definitely worth visiting.  This also provides links to information about the Elizabethan period.

Shakespeare and the Politics of Community
A very lengthy but well thought out discussion of the communites in Shakespeare's work.  Little mention of Love's Labours Lost, but a good resource for a general study, as well as for understanding of the period in which these plays were written.

Discussion of Masculinity in Shakespeare
Includes discussion of masculinity in Shakespeare's works in general, but does include a number of references to Love's Labours Lost, but more a book report than anything else....still helpful for a general study and understanding of the period.

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