The Printed Image: An Introduction to Printmaking and Bookmaking Techniques 

The Printed Image: An introduction to Printmaking and Bookmaking techniques

Pat Badt ext. 3468

This course will focus on the development of a visual vocabulary in the medium of Printmaking and Bookmaking. Students will be introduced to Monotype, Drypoint, Etching (hard ground, soft ground and aquatint) and to three book structures.

Class will meet once a week for three hours. An excellent attendance record is expected as a basic requirement of the class.

Group critiques will be held throughout the semester during class time at the end of each project. All students are required to attend. Critique dates will be announced in class. You will be expected to participate in all critiques and have your printed book complete at the time of the critique. You may continue to work on any project (or redo it) anytime throughout the semester. 

MID-TERM CRITIQUE: At mid-term I will meet individually with each student to review all work to date. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the studio.

FINAL EXAM: Students will set up their semester’s work for review. This is to be accompanied by a short typed statement of self-evaluation concerning one's strengths and weaknesses as experienced over the semester.

There will be several outside events that you will be required to attend. Attendance at College Art openings is a requirement of this course. I also may require a one to two page review paper about the exhibits. I will discuss this further in class.

There will be an Art Department sponsored field trip to New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. This is an all-day excursion. You are strongly encouraged to participate in this event.

Grades will be determined by attendance, conceptual development, technical development, completion of all assignments and participation in critiques.

Three book forms will be assigned over the semester. Students are expected to put in a minimum of three hours studio time outside of class meetings per week. Students should plan on working outside of class semester. 

Weeks 1-4 Project One: Monotype and Non-Adhesive Book form

An introduction to the Monotype process. Students will develop a series of Monotypes to be included in a book form. This series will interpret themes chosen from the list below or in consultation with the professor. The Non-Adhesive book form will be demonstrated. Consideration will be given to how to include text.


  • Months of the Calendar year
  • 12 signs from Astrology
  • 4 seasons
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Seven days of Genesis
  • Eightfold Path in Buddhism
  • Four Nobel Truths (Buddhism)
  • Ten Commandments

Week 5-7: Project Two: Drypoint and Chine Colle; Concertina-style Book form

Introduction to Drypoint and Chine Colle. Students will develop a series of Drypoint that will develop a narrative structure through the visual information (no text). Students may develop their own themes although a list is provided below.


  • Using the depiction of Still-life objects create a self-portrait from infancy to the present (or future)
  • Create a family portrait
  • Create a college portrait
  • Make a memory record of the studies you are engaged in this semester (types of courses)
Describe a book of landscapes of places you would like to go to

Week 9-14: Etching (Hard Ground, Soft Ground, Aquatint) & Free-style Book form

Now we will investigate different Etching techniques and learn how to work back into a plate. For this book form students will be asked to develop a single plate transforming its imagery. The idea of transformation should be the subject of the book/imagery. Words and text may be used. Students will also be designing a unique book structure. Source books are provided. Students should consult with the professor on this project .

Materials List (may be purchased in the Bookstore):

  • Zinc Plate (10" x 12")
  • Etching tools: scribber (etching needle)

  • burnisher
  • sketchbook (8 1/2 x 5 1/2)
  • plastic or rubber gloves (Platex dishwashing gloves are fine)
  • Paper: This contains pieces of handmade paper, please treat carefully DO NOT CRUSH OR DENT EDGES

  • 2 sheets Domestic Etch proofing paper or Lenox
    2 sheets Rives lightweight (project 1)
    2 sheets Stonehenge white (project 2)
    2 sheets Stonehenge buff (project 3)
  • triangle ruler (metal)
  • straight ruler (metal)
  • x-acto knife 
  • binder or loose-leaf notebook for handouts and notes 
  • paper or cardboard portfolio for your prints (you may make your own)
  • plastic, tin or cardboard box for storing your tools

  • Optional materials (to buy):

  • bone folder (some available in studio)
  • scissors
  • masking tape

  • Materials from home:

  • old baggy shirt or apron (this class is very dirty)
  • old toothbrushes
  • glass jars and bottles for solvent, paste, etc. (Tuna fish or cat food cans are great and GREATLY appreciated)
  • rags
  • a personal mug for tea or coffee (made during class)
  • CD’s to share with the class for sound





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