There are moments in our lives, there are moments in a day when we see beyond the usual. Such are the moments of our greatest happiness. Such are the moments of our greatest wisdom. If one could but recall his vision by some sort of sign. It was in this hope that the arts were invented. Sign-posts on the way to what may be. Sign-posts towards greater knowledge.
                                                                                Robert Henri

    PAINTING Art 223

    Professor Pat Badt

    This course will focus on the development of a painterly vocabulary. The problems of direct observation, memory and abstraction will be addressed. Students will be encouraged to experiment with the painting medium and materials. Students are expected to become familiar with contemporary concerns and relate them to their historical precedents. There will be weekly reading assignments selected to engage the student in issues of observation and abstraction and the workings of individual Master painters.  Class will meet twice a week for a total of four hours. One session will be a studio session primarily concerned with the physical and technical aspects of painting. The other class meeting will be directed to the discussion of the readings, art history and criticism. An excellent attendance record is expected as a basic requirement of the class.  An oral presentation will be assigned on a specific artist. There will be several outside events that you will be required to attend. Attendance at Tompkins College Center Gallery lectures and openings is a requirement of this course. A short paper of critique or review will be required.  Grades will be determined by attendance, conceptual development, technical development, completion of all assignments and participation in critiques. you will be asked to keep a journal of your responses to the readings, exhibitions and your own paintings which will be handed in at the end of the semester with the final review.  Seven paintings will be assigned over the semester. Students are expected to put in a minimum of three hours studio time outside of class meetings per week. Students should plan on working outside of class to resolve all the paintings.  Group critiques will be held at mid-term and end-of-term. A guest critic will be a part of the final critique. All students are required to attend. Critique dates will be announced in class. My concerns are more with process than with product. You will be expected to participate in all critiques and have your painting in a "resolved" state for them, but you may continue to work on any painting anytime throughout the semester.

    Students will set up their semesters work for review. This is to be accompanied by a short typed statement of self-evaluation concerning one's strengths and weaknesses as experienced over the semester.

    The studio is used for other classes. Paintings must be put away at the end of work and your paints and materials must be stored. Please be aware of your fellow painters and keep the studio clean.  All paintings and class materials must be out of the studio by the close of the semester (after final critiques). Any paintings and/or supplies left will be removed or given away the first class of the next semester. 

    Pat Badt's Homepage

    Art Department Home Page
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Kara DiStefano

Annie Kunkle

Laurie Field

Alea Schroeder