Features links and other information concerning women as readers of literature in Elizabethan England: “The audience of literate women in Shakespeare's time was not great, but it was large enough to make it worth a printer's time to publish books especially for them: books on cookery, household medicine, religious attitudes, and correct behaviour*.”
“Ridding her house of "troublesome bugs" was part of the housewife's daily ritual of cleaning. Many books offered sophisticated means of killing pests."
An essay entitled Effeminate Dayes' by Carol Banks & Graham Holderness.  Essay examines femine and masculine gender roles.
A few pages with general information about gender relations.

Illustration from Charles Sorel's The Extravagant Sheperd (London, 1654): teeth like pearls, eyes that sparkle like the sun, eyebrows arched like Cupid's bow, cheeks a-bloom with roses, and breasts like little globes or, as one writer put it, "little worlds of beauty." (Link)