
        Because of the importance of mathematics in many fields, the program offers a wide range of courses designed both to develop mental discipline and logical thinking and to prepare students for a variety of math related careers. More advanced courses are planned as a solid basis of graduate study, for professional examinations such as those given by the Actuarial Society, and for employment in most public- and private sector industries, and teaching. Course work in physics is required for its examples of mathematical modeling and to promote an understanding of the physical universe, space, energy and similar contemporary concerns.

Mathematics Major

Mathematics Minor

Mathematics Major
        Ten courses in Mathematics beginning with Mathematics 141, and including 311, 316, 350 and 351; Physics 101 and 102; competency in at least one computer language.

        Students also seeking a co-major in education must consult that department and plan a program before registering for the sophomore year. Students seeking mathematics education certification must include Mathematics 210 and 324 in their program of study.

        One may earn a B.A. or B.S. in mathematics. To earn a B.S. the student must take five additional courses in mathematics or science or in other areas with sufficient analytical content (check with the department).

Mathematics Minor
    A mathematics minor consists of six courses beginning with Mathematics 141.
Mathematics Courses
MAT 141                            Calculus I
MAT 142                            Calculus II
MAT 210                            Probability and Statistics
MAT 211                             Calculus III
MAT 212                             Calculus IV
MAT 311                             Linear Algebra
MAT 313                             Differential Equations
MAT 316                             Modern Algebra
MAT 321                             Numerical Analysis
MAT 322                             Discrete Mathematics
MAT 324                             Modern Geometry
MAT 335                             Introduction to Topology
MAT 338                             Number Theory
MAT 339                             Complex Variables
MAT 350                             Advanced Calculus
MAT 351                             Advanced Calculus II
MAT 360                             Special Topics in Mathematics
MAT 391 and MAT 392     Independent Study in Mathematics


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