Selection Variables

·A college can be described or characterized in a number of different ways.  For this project, we will be using only those descriptors that are quantitative in nature.  A candidate institution will be considered "similar" to Cedar Crest College if its total "distance" from CCC is within a certain range.  (See Methodology for more information.)  This distance will be measured using the following 17 selection variables.  These variables were agreed upon by the President, the senior staff and the faculty as being quantities that are important identifiers for Cedar Crest.

Please see the  Glossary for complete definitions of these variables and formulas that will be used.

Enrollment Variables

1.  Undergraduate full time enrollment (FTE)
2.  Graduate full time enrollment (FTE)
3.  FT undergraduate headcount
4.  Percent FT enrollment
5.  First-year enrollment
6.  Percent of students who transfer to CCC from 2- or 4-year schools
7.  Percent of enrollment age 25 and older

Academics / residence Variables

8.  Percent of graduates with Arts/Sciences as first major
9.  Student-faculty ratio
10.  Percent of faculty who are full-time
11.  Percent of students residing on campus

Freshmen Variables

12.  SAT 25th percentile
13.  SAT 75th percentile
14.  Percent with Pell grants

Financial Variables

15.  Full time tuition and fees
16.  Educational and general expenditures per FTE
17.  Tuition dependency
18.  Endowment per FTE


Cedar Crest College